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Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership

Open to any private sector or business involved in activities furthering the aims of WIOMSA and whose objectives are not in conflict with the aims of the Association.

Corporate Membership Categories and Fees

i) Silver member: US$ 1000 per year

ii) Gold member: US$ 5000 per year

iii) Platinum member: US$ 10, 000 per year

BENEFITS Silver Gold Platinum
WIOMSA publications e.g. Newsbrief and Magazine
Reduced registration and exhibit fees at WIOMSA Scientific Symposium and other events
Certification of membership by a commemorative plaque and public announcement
Listed on the WIOMSA website- Linked to their website, symposium or public display of the Association
Co-branding on WIOMSA website and publications
Participate at all WIOMSA public functions and the attendant “brand exposure” and media publicity
Two lectures annually to the Executives and their guests


List of Corporate members.